DJ VoJo, Landy Lanz, Explo, Misha Style, Alex Rover, Alexdi, Baronix, Bornintofault, Daniel Onyx, DeadP, Distributor, DJ Deffry, dj pronys, Dududop, Emmett Zetto, Eqonom, Erricond, Freaxment, Greight, Infinium, INRIVEN, Johnny Bet, MAD HANG, MaDRullZ, Oshoki, Raymond, RexNex, Sasha Sound, Diana Vernaya, Schredder, Sheva, Subspace, SulphurTears and amp; BulkierInk, T.Y.O.M., Teddy's Noise, Tenn Plata, Trumpetz and amp; MoonLight, Union, The Wrench, Xpom432 & Remix
72 TITRES • 5 HEURES ET 33 MINUTES • OCT 09 2017