9101112All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (Instrumental Version - Take 2)
13All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (Instrumental Version - Take 1)
14All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (Vocal Version - Take 2)
15All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (Vocal Version - Take 1)
161718Get It Southern Style (Alternate Take)
1920Moonlight Fiesta (a/k/a "Swing Alero" & "Porto Rican Chaos")
21Moonlight Fiesta (a/k/a "Swing Alero" & "Porto Rican Chaos" Alt. Take)
22Sponge Cake And Spinach (Alternate Take)
2324If You're Ever In My Arms Again (Alternate Take)
25If You're Ever In My Arms Again
26The Back Room Romp (A Contrapuntal Stomp) (a/k/a "The Back Room Stomp" Alt. Take)
27The Back Room Romp (A Contrapuntal Stomp) (a/k/a "The Back Room Stomp")
28Love In My Heart (a/k/a "Swing Baby Swing" Alt. Take)
29Love In My Heart (a/k/a "Swing Baby Swing")
30Sugar Hill Shim Sham (a/k/a "You Ain't In Harlem Now" Alt. Take)
31Sugar Hill Shim Sham (a/k/a "You Ain't In Harlem Now")
32Tea And Trumpets (a/k/a "Trumpetology" Alt. Take 1)
33Tea And Trumpets (a/k/a "Trumpetology" Alt. Take 2)
34Tea And Trumpets (a/k/a "Trumpetology")
3536Jubilesta (a/k/a "Emperor Jones" and "Hey Child")
37Diminuendo In Blue (Alt. Take)
3839Crescendo In Blue (Alt. Take)
4041Harmony In Harlem (Rehersal Take)
4243Harmony In Harlem (Alt. Take)
4445Dusk On The Desert (Alt. Take)
46Jubilesta (a/k/a "Emperor Jones" and "Hey Child")
474849I Can't Give You Anything But Love
This compilation (P) 2024 Sony Music Entertainment